课题组网页:HKUST(GZ)-FIRST | HomePage (first-regroup.github.io)
职位开始日期:2023年9月, 2024年9月。
(1) 拥有建筑环境与能源应用、暖通空调、能源与动力工程的硕士学位,或同等学历。
(2) 熟悉掌握建筑能耗模拟软件(如TRNSYS,CFD, COMSOL, MATLAB, Python)、建模和系统优化。拥有热力学,传热传质等学科的优异学习成绩。
对该职位感兴趣的人士,请将简历、成绩单(学士和硕士阶段)、论文发表和英语证书,通过电子邮件发送给周跃宽博士:yuekuanzhou@ust.hk; yuekuan.zhou@outlook.com
导师介绍:周跃宽,香港科技大学(广州),可持续能源与环境学域,助理教授;香港科技大学,机械与航空航天工程系,附属助理教授。课题组从事建筑跨尺度建模仿真与优化(材料-部件-系统)、建筑节能与可再生能源利用、全寿命周期建筑碳足迹与负碳技术、新型储能系统(电化学电池与氢燃料电池储能)和新型区域能源范式研究,在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy, Renewable Energy, iScience等能源领域国际顶级期刊上发表SCI 60篇, Google Scholar 总引用1822多次, h指数30。参与出版3部国际专著重要章节,荣获Applied Energy CUE 2020国际最佳论文奖和2021华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议优秀博士生奖。全球top 1%科学家(Stanford,2022),国际科学组织Vebleo Fellow, Sessionchair of Vebleo Fellow webinar学术期刊编委;Energy Nexus (Elsevier), Journal of Modern Green Energy等国际SCI期刊特刊编辑。
PhD student & post doctor recruitment-HKUST(GZ)
Position: PhD (PhD Scholarship Supported) in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Nansha, Guangzhou, China
Post doctor (30000 RMB/ month) in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Nansha, Guangzhou, China
There are PhD (PhD Scholarship Supported) available in Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust, Function Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, China.
The Prime supervisor is Dr. Yuekuan Zhou, assistant professor in Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust (SEE), Function Hub
Position start date: PhD beginning of Sep 2023/2024.
The topics include:
1) Cross-scale modeling simulation and optimization on building energy systems (material-component-system)
2) Energy conversion (cooling/heating/electricity) and storages in buildings with high efficiency
3) Building energy conservation and renewable energy utilization (solar thermal/photovoltaic, wind energy, ocean energy, etc.)
4) Life cycle building carbon footprint and negative carbon technology
5) New energy storage system (electrochemical battery and hydrogen fuel cell energy storage) and new regional energy paradigm planning
6) Machine learning-based performance prediction and optimization on multi-energy systems and peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading
PhD student requirements:
(1) With a Master degree or equivalent in the field of building energy system, HVAC technology, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer.
(2) Strong competence in the building energy simulation software (like TRNSYS, CFD, COMSOL, MATLAB, Python), modelling and optimization.
(3) Outstanding academic and publication records.
(4) Hard working and high sense of responsibility.
(5) English Requirement: Applicants who have not obtained a degree of which the language of instruction was English from a recognized university are required to obtain an overall score of at least 6.5 (with score for the writing component at 5.5 or above) in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or 550 or above (paper-based) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or 80 or above in the internet-based test.
For those who are interested in this position, please send your CV, transcript of records (of both the Bachelor’s and Master’s Periods), list of publications, and English Certificate to Dr. Yuekuan Zhou, by email: yuekuanzhou@ust.hk; yuekuan.zhou@outlook.com
Thank you for your attention. |